Finally Revealed: Dan Kennedy And GKIC Reveals The Foolproof Blueprint for Getting More Done In Less Time...
"A Very In-Depth Look At Dan Kennedy’s Radical, Tough-Minded, Personal Approach To Achieving ABSOLUTE Control Over Your Time, Associates, Customers, Clients, Patients And The REST Of The World Around You So You Can Obtain Maximum Personal Productivity!”
This Is How You Can Get More Done, Dictate Your OWN Rules And Terms Of Engagement Into Every Working Relationship, And Achieve Your Goals Faster Than Ever Before! (PLUS...Get A One-Time Bonus... Keep Reading To Get The Bonus Offer!)
From: Dan Kennedy Re: Getting More Done in Less Time Monday, 8:34
Dear Savvy Renegade Marketer,
Throw out all those “time-management” systems you’ve purchased in the past. Because in this letter, you’re about to discover the “nuts and bolts” of what makes me and the GKIC Elite get more done in an hour… …then most people get done in a whole day! Listen: time is your most important asset. If you’re just piddling it away like 95% of people out there, then you’re basically letting money filter through your fingers.
This is something I “got” a long time ago after listening to over 200+ time management programs, scores of self-help experts such as Norman Vincent Peale and Earl Nightingale, and a multitude of past entrepreneurs that came before me. In fact, I have what’s called a “time fetish”. I ALWAYS have a big clock staring at me while I’m in the “cockpit” writing a sales letter or newsletter article. And people who talk to me on the phone know that when I say a call ends at 10:30am… ….it REALLY ends at 10:30am! So I don’t mess around when it comes to time. And I’ve taught a multitude of customers and clients of mine how to “copy and paste” my system so they can make more money in less time. Because that’s what this is all about. It’s not about “managing time”. It’s about MONEY. And making it easier, quicker, and in bigger chunks then you used to. In fact,
If Your Time Management System Stinks, Then Your Chances Of Becoming A Renegade Do Down The Tubes! And you cannot just follow all those “systems” out there with their color-coded pens and notebooks. I’m not going to name names, but you’ve seen them.
You know the ones I’m talking about: the ones with the typical day is delineated in 15-minute increments, and you can use different colored pens to delineate tasks. But here’s the thing: most of those systems were created for corporate environments…where it’s considered a miracle if a typical corporate worker gets 4 things done in an entire day. Things don’t work that way in the entrepreneurial world. Most people find out that these fancy systems break down right away—leaving them starving for another solution. So what I’ve done is created my OWN system for getting things done. This was gleaned from 40 years in the business…and showing other entrepreneurs how to “copy and paste” this system for themselves. And let’s say it’s been working quite well for me. Here’s just SOME of what I get done…and I’m still able to hit the racetrack at 4pm:
- Writing 5-6 sales letters per month for clients who hire me for upwards of $100,000 per sales letter.
- 6-8 1-day consultations for which I charge $18,800/day
- At least 2-3 books per year…perhaps even more depending on the year.
- Speak at least once a month…much less than I used to speak back in the day..and this includes 4-5 days of traveling time per month.
- Participating in my several coaching and consulting groups
- Writing for GKIC’s “NO. B.S. Newsletter” and our other newsletters every month.
And that’s just the work I do for GKIC…and doesn’t include the other ventures I’m involved in. No wonder I get a ton of people commenting:
“Dan, How In The Devil Do You Get So Much Done?!” The best part is you have the exact 24 hours/day that I do. And you don’t have to listen to what “other people” have to say when it comes to time management… …you know, the ones who brag if they get 4 things done that day. This is what I call “masses” thinking. In general, if you do the opposite from everyone else, you’re going to be right almost 100% of the time. And that’s especially true when it comes to time management. Most people wander aimlessly through life and just get up in the morning with no plan of attack. That’s NOT the way things should be done. And your chances of success will be forever doomed if you keep going down this path. Sure, you could get by for awhile, but competitors who accurately know how to turn time into money will slowly and surely eat you for lunch. I don’t want that to happen to you. So that’s why I decided to get my friend and Peak Performers productivity coach Lee Milteer to grill me on what makes me tick when it comes to managing my time so you can “cut and paste” this system yourself. The probative questions were recorded on 3 CDs for you to listen to again and again. And there’s a transcript too so you can read about these time management and success strategies at any time. So you better take action right now and claim your copy of: Renegade Millionaire Time Management System
Listen: this program is about MONEY. About making it differently. Quicker, easier, and in bigger chunks then you’re used to.
This System is based NOT on observation, but on hands-on, continuous, and working relationships with high achievers every single day. And implementing these systems myself.
Nobody else can take you “on the inside” of the strategies, behaviors, and thinking of Renegade Millionaires as I can. And the goal of this course is to give you a clearer, more definitive blueprint than you’ve ever seen or processed before. When you go through Renegade Millionaire Time Management Strategies, you’ll be able to easier achieve whatever business/money/success goals you have…while defying “what everyone else is doing” when it come to time management. This stuff goes way beyond what I’ve written in my books, the Renegade Millionaire System, and other seminar recordings. And to avoid confusion, this is all-new material…and not excerpts from the Renegade Millionaire System.
This Is An Actual, Detailed Expose’ On How Dan Kennedy And The GKIC Elite Organize Their Work!
And here’s just SOME of what you’ll discover: - The #1 belief that could cause you to throw endless amount of time down the drain (you must be extremely vigilant of this if you have ANY hopes of building up your income!)
- The “top of mind” thinking you MUST have if you’re going to manage your time correctly. This is the “bread and butter” of Renegade time management thinking, and failure to do this could leave you in the poorhouse!
- My personal system to planning my day so I know where I’ll be tomorrow afternoon at 2:30pm—and not just throw up my arms and guess like most people.
- The tools—both practical and psychological—I use to keep track of time and get things done (if you don’t have time management tools, then you’re just letting time sift through your fingers!)
- The common objections, fears, and excuses most people have about insisting on absolute control, imposing their will, and tightly planning and organizing (better to know these now!)
- How to shift your environment to make yourself more productive—something most “corporate” types don’t think about—or act upon (this is a surefire way you can throw time down the drain!)
- The #1 thing you need to account for when it comes to achieving goals in your business. Most people don’t think about this at all, but failing to do so could leave you “spinning your wheels” for a long time.
Now let me ask you:
How Much Is It Worth To You To Make 30-50% More Income This Year Thanks To These Time Management Strategies! Listen: I’ve created a SERIOUS product for SERIOUS entrepreneurs who want to up their productivity and get more done in less time. So what I would like you to do is think about what you’re making this year right now. Go ahead, think of that number right now. Got it? Good. Now think about how much you’ll be able to make when you implement the strategies I outline in the Renegade Millionaire Time Management System…and get more done in less time. You could conceivably earn at least 50% more than you’re making now. 50% of a $100,000 per year income is $50,000…and the best part is I’m not even going to ask you for 1% of that for this System. When you take action right now, I’ll give you Renegade Millionaire Time Management System for only $297. Quite simply, you will not find these strategies anywhere else. And forget about those other “time management” courses for corporate people who will simply waste your time.
Peak Productivity Expert Lee Milteer!
This is the first time I’ve ever shared my time management to anybody. And I don’t want you to just buy this course and have it sit on your shelf untouched.
The materials in this course have made me a lot of money. I’m able to get more done than 99% of other entrepreneurs, and I’ve successfully taught these strategies to my clients.
Becoming a Renegade Millionaire required Renegade thinking. And you might at first experience doubt and skepticism when that big box containing the course hits your doorstep. Most will insist their business is different, and that their clients will mutiny. But many will become convinced and quickly see the financial and personal benefits beyond imagination. You see,
Having Control Of Your Time Brings Your Greater Autonomy, Control, And Sustainability In Your Business!
So if you’re happy with your current income, control, and autonomy in your business—and you happy with your independence, speed, and ability to achieve goals, then this probably isn’t for you. On the other hand, if you are eager for more control, freedom, and more and faster achievement, then the Renegade Millionaire Time Management System is for you. Just one tip, trick, tool, or idea you’ll get could more than pay for the course in one fell swoop. I always encourage seminar attendees and people who read books and courses to not bother taking a notebook full of notes… …but to write down only a handful of “a-ha” ideas they can take action on immediately. Because that’s what Renegade Millionaire Time Management Strategies is all about: taking action and taking control of your time. And that includes knowing exactly what you should be doing…and what you SHOUDN’T be doing when it comes to time management.  | And the best part is this System is backed by GKIC’s 365 Day no hassle money-back guarantee. So there’s no way you can make a mistake here. If you don’t experience a quantum leap in productivity, control, and piece of mind in your business, then call the GKIC Concierge at 1-800-781-0147 and you can return this course for a refund. |
Many of these ideas might be a little “strange” and unique. And you might think I’m a little off my rocker.
But keep in mind that I get more done in a week than most people do in a year. And the many 100+ millionaires I’ve rubbed shoulders with and mentored do the same thing. So you have two choices: “settle for” your current level of productivity, income, goal achievement, autonomy, prosperity, and control in your business… …or ratchet things up a notch thanks to these never-before-seen time and productivity strategies. You’ve read this far for a reason. There’s something missing in your business…and life. And most common business problems can be honed down to poor time management. So I advise you to take action right now and claim your copy of Renegade Millionaire Time Management Strategies right now…while it’s on your mind!
Yes Dan! I Want To Know How You And The GKIC Elite Gets More Done In A Day Than Most People Get Done In A Month…Even A Year!
- I know that I could be upping my productivity in order to make more money in my business. I also know that I am not happy with the rate I’m achieving goals in my business, and I know I need help!
- I also know that time is the ONLY non-renewable asset, and that I cannot simply squander time like it’s nobody’s business. And I want to discover the exact-same system you use day in and day out to get more done in less time.
- And I know I’m covered by your generous 365-day guarantee, so there’s no way I can make a mistake here. I can implement these time-management secrets in my own business, and if I don’t get an immediate return on investment I can return it for a no-hassle refund…no questions asked!
- Yes Dan, I’m ready! Please send my big box containing the Renegade Millionaire Time Management System so I can “cut and paste” your time management strategies into my own business!
Dan Kennedy’s  “Renegade Millionaire Time Management System”
ONLY $297
OR 3 EZ payments of $99 PLUS!!! Through Midnight Only...Get Immediate Access to the Bonus Course "Secret Productivity Strategies of the Ultra-Successful" (Not Available Anywhere Else) In this course Dave Dee shows you the exact steps he took to creating a six-figure side business in less than 90 days while working a full-time job! This was a one-time only training Dave did that you can now get as an immediate bonus when you purchase today.
Dedicated To Multiplying Your Income,  Dan S. Kennedy P.S. I challenge you to think of another time management “guru” who specializes in working with entrepreneurs. Most of them are “corporate” types who teach people how to use those fancy-schmancy notebooks with categories and different-colored pens. Most of that stuff breaks down in the entrepreneurial world. And for the first time ever I reveal the EXACT time management and productivity system I use myself to get more done in one hour than most people get done in a day. So take action and claim your copy of Renegade Millionaire Time Management System today! |