Attention: Small Business Owners, Sales People and Anyone Who Wants More Customers, Clients or Patients...

 “Just Released! Confidential Formula Provides The Step-By-Step Blueprint For Generating A Continuous Stream Of Customers,  Allows You To Quickly Dominate Your Market And Turns Your Business Into A Money-Making Machine!”

The Amazing Part, Of Course, Is How Quickly This All Works.  Within Hours of Employing These Strategies You Could See A Boost In The Number Of QUALIFIED Leads Coming Into Your Business and Could Double The Size Of Your Business In As Little As 6 Months!

Dear Friend,

If you want to grow of your business in the quickest, most efficient way possible continue reading... 

We’re going to reveal a secret some copywriters don’t want you to know and it’s this: You Can Probably Create Better Ads For Your Product or Service Than Most High Cost Copywriters And Ad Agencies

Here’s why: you’re much closer to your business than any copywriter could ever get.  You know all your market’s hot buttons and you’re passionate about your product/service.

You just need a formula.  A formula that’s been used over and over again by most ‘A-List’ copywriters, including Dan Kennedy those at GKIC. 

And we’re not talking about creating “cookie cutter” copy here either.  

Have you seen a movie recently?  Most movies fit into specific genres: horror, comedy, drama, etc., but they all follow similar formats: the hero kills the enemy, the guy gets the girl at the end, they all live happily ever after, etc.

In other words, most movies follow proven script sequences, or formulas, which have been shown to appeal to movie-goers again and again. 

But each movie has a different twist on the plot, interesting characters, and meaningful scenarios that make it different from other movies and that keeps us coming back for more - Hollywood has this down to a science!

In the same vein, we have a formula for writing marketing messages that eliminates a lot of the “guesswork” you have to go through, but can easily be tailored for your own market and offers.


  • If you’ve never written and ad before, this could be an excellent introduction to writing a sales letter that could shortcut your learning curve.  If you’ve got everything down in business except for copywriting, then this literally could be the most important message you’ll ever read.
  • If you write ads for your business but find yourself “stuck” or ar "unsure" of what works, then this will show you how you can save tons of time and boost the rate at which you grow your business.
  • If you hire copywriters or outside marketers, this formula is critical so you know whether or not the copywriter you hired did a good job.  If you don’t write your own ads (or don’t plan to) then this template will help you sell your product better, not just by using sales letters, but postcards, radio, face-to-face, etc.  Because most of the psychology is exactly the same.
  • If you are a copywriter or do marketing for others, you can use this template as a simple “checklist” to make sure you have included every value-builder strategy, every price objection technique, and every headline tip you might have otherwise missed if you didn’t have this resource to guide you.

Because here’s the truth:

It Doesn’t Matter How Much Traffic You Drive To A Website Or How Many Direct Mail Pieces You Send Out!  If You Don’t Have A Message That Sells The Product/Service, Then You’ll Always Struggle

Most of the A-List GKIC members who earn 6 and 7-figure incomes don’t send out mailers with just an order link on them.  And when we promote our international events, the SuperConference and Info-SUMMIT, we don’t just send out an order page and expect people to fork over thousands of dollars to attend.

Each mailing, email, or online sales letter has irresistible copy that gets the prospect’s attention, builds the desire for the product or service, and gets the prospect to take fast action.

Yet most marketers skimp on copywriting or don’t put any effort into learning this valuable skill.  They just focus on driving as much traffic as possible or testing differing offers.

Did you know that it’s been shown that changing just one word in a headline could increase response by up to 300%?  Even changing how you introduce a letter or position price can boost your response.

That’s why the big mailing houses like Agora and Boardroom spend millions of dollars testing copy and are always trying to beat their “controls”…or pieces of copy that have converted well for them.

And that’s why people pay GKIC founder Dan Kennedy up to $100,000 for a single sales letter.  Do you think Dan’s clients would pony up that kind of dough if copy wasn’t that important?

But here’s the real beauty of this template:

 Once You Use This Template For Your First Sales Piece, You Can Easily “Recycle” The Sales Points For Emails, Video Scripts, Webinars, Postcards, Etc.

This message is going to truly be “money” for you because not only will it make writing sales letters easier, but you can then “borrow” sales points such as benefits, objections, value-builders, offers, etc. for other marketing pieces.

Just ask the 7-figure earners and GKIC founder Dan Kennedy.   The real “movers and shakers” use multiple messages via multiple media to get sales.  They don’t just send out one sales letter and that’s it.

So not only will this formula help you write your first sales piece, but it will help you get the sales points you need in any selling situation—either through media like postcards and direct mail or even face-to-face selling.

Because the truth is: a sales letter really is a one-on-one sales conversation between yourself and your prospect.  Think of a sales letter as a little salesperson doing all the selling for you.  That’s the power of copy and you’ll get to follow along with the Masters when you take action today and add this to your marketing arsenal:


The Power of Copy Unleashed

How To Create An Offer Your Customers, Clients and
Patients Are Powerless To Resist

Power Of Copy.jpg

The Power Of Copy consists of One DVDs, 2 CDs and a manual.  The best part is that it'll only take you about 90 minutes to go through and it will give you a HUGE unfair advantage when it comes to dominating your marketplace.

Here’s why: most of your competitors are woefully bad at writing copy.  More than likely, they follow what those “fat-cat” Madison Avenue advertising agencies do: brand advertising that’ll evaporate your marketing budget.

Unless you’re Coke, Microsoft, or Pepsi and have millions of dollars to plunk down on a Super Bowl ad, your best bet is to learn the art of GKIC-style direct response advertising.

And the Power of Copy could give you the ability to easily perform one of the hardest things to do for most businesspeople: convince a prospect to buy or take an action just with the power of your words:

Here’s Just Some Of The Tips You’ll Discover That Will Have You Generating More Sales And Traffic Than Ever Before, Within Minutes of Tearing Into This System:


  • The simple 3-step process for starting your sales letter so you don’t have to throw up your hands in frustration figuring out what to do next.  If you’ve ever stared at the blinking cursor on your Word document wondering what to write next, then this is a godsend…
  • How to tap into what REALLY makes people buy your product or service.  Most small business owners make the mistake of guessing at what their prospects want and need and don’t ascertain what will REALLY make them buy…
  • The secret to getting that first draft done that’ll save you tons of time and frustration.  Most copywriters and small business owners really mess this up…and this could result in sub-standard copy that’ll make your customers throw that letter in the trash!
  • The 1 super-simple step to take as soon as the copy is written.    This takes only 5-10 minutes but could mean the difference between “C+” level copy and “A” level copy.
  • The simple 7-step formula for creating an offer that’ll make your target audience salivate over your product/service.  It doesn’t matter if the copy was written by Dan Kennedy—if prospects don’t want what you’re selling, you’re not going to get any sales!
  • The 1 quick tweak you can make with any product and service that could sky-rocket your profits.  We do this with every launch here at GKIC and you can easily employ this strategy too.
  • Our sales boosting 5-step “golden” checklist regarding bonuses.  Violate these golden “rules” and your offer is going to fall flat and your bonuses are just going to take up space in your sales letter or ad.
  • How to build up tension in your prospect so they cannot help but whip out their wallet and BUY.  This is what separates the A-players from the “wanna-be’s”.
  • The secret to framing price so the prospect will see that the price is a bargain…even if the product is thousands of dollars.
  • The one addition you can make to your price and offer that could bolster your profits.  If you aren't doing this you're leaving thousands of dollars on the table!
  • 23 proven templates you can use to get started writing bullet points for your product or service.  Bullet points create magic in your sales pieces and you’ll just copy and paste, add the specifics for your product, and you’ll be all set!
  • Dave Dee’s ‘Top 10 Rules’ for writing headlines.  Follow these rules and you’ll be able to write headlines that’ll grab your prospect by the lapels and FORCE them to read your ad.
  • The easiest way to bring up objections in your copy that doesn’t require deep psychological stuff.  Just do this simple step and you can “flip” more prospects to buying from you.
  • The key to getting better at writing copy so you can do it at a higher level than most experienced copywriters.  It is possible if you follow this one little “trick” all A-Level copywriters perform.
  • …and a whole LOT more!

The Power Of Copy Will Work For Any Market…From
Dentists To Plumbers.  Real Estate Agents To Retail Shop Owners.

Fair warning: do not disqualify yourself from purchasing The Power of Copy because you’re in a certain business or industry.  Last we checked, all businesses rely on the power of words to get people to visit a website or storefront and to make a purchase.

And it doesn’t matter how smart you are or if you graduated from an Ivy League School.  GKIC founder Dan Kennedy is the best copywriter on the planet and he has the academic qualifications of a janitor.

He just followed in the footsteps of the copywriting greats before him and learned the powerful skill of persuasion in print.  In other words, copywriting is a learnable skill anybody can master…like riding a bike or learning a new hobby…

…except this skill can give you the rare power to convince prospects and customers to give you money hand over fist. 

So a resource that’ll help you write better copy is well worth at least $2997.  That’s how much Dan charged for many of the copywriting workshops he used to run.  And most of the copywriting/persuasion products in GKIC’s catalog range between $997 to $2997.

This is a large investment by “civilian” standards for people who cannot fathom spending that much money on anything else other than a 60” flat screen TV. 

But savvy marketers who “get it” realize they can make that investment back with only 2-3 more customers, clients, or patients they wouldn’t have otherwise attracted just by beefing up their copy.

But here’s the good news.  You won’t have to pay $2997.  You won’t even have to pay $1997 or even $997.

When you take action today, you’ll get the Power of Copy shipped to you for just $197.

Why are we doing this?  We want to see more of our Members become even more successful in their businesses.  We realize the importance of copywriting in business success and recognize that writing good copy is a huge stumbling block for most business owners.

So that’s why we’re offering The Power of Copy Unleashed at a price almost anybody can afford!

PLUS Until Midnight Monday You'll Get An Immediate Bonus That You Can Start Using TODAY!

One-Time Only Bonus Worth at Least $199!
GET My Online Sales Letter Template That Converted At An Astounding 13%!

Two months ago I did a Psychic Sales Webinar and upon registering for that webinar, people were taken to a Confirmation Page that included an offer to buy one of my products.

I'll be honest with goal, as usual, was to hit a grand slam with this and convert 3%-5% of those people into buyers.  The norm for this kind of thing is just one to three percent conversion.

Let me tell you what happened...this sales page ended up converting an astounding 13% of people who simply came to register for a FREE webinar into buying an introductory course and made tens of thousands of dollars. 

Through midnight Monday only if you invest in The Power of Copy Unleashed, I'll include immediate access to not only the exact sales letter I used (typos and all) but also an hour long recording I did that takes you through this piece step-by-step so you can start using this immediately in your business.

I break down each element giving you formulas and templates to use in your own sales letter and give you the entire strategy. 

The best part is that when you use this system you can have this up and running within just a few hours.  Not weeks, not days BUT hours. 

If you don't market online, don't worry, this exact template and formula works offline as if you need to convert more prospects into customers, clients or patients you can 100% use this formula.

Again, this disappears at Midnight Monday so you need to go to the bottom of the page and invest now so you don't miss out!


But to make this even more irresistible for you…

You’re Protected By GKIC’s Remarkably
Generous Double Guarantee:

guarantee iron clad.pngYour First Guarantee:  You have 2 full months to examine everything, use what you wish and, if for any reason, or even no reason at all, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get your money back immediately.  NO questions asked.  You do not need a “my dog ate my homework” story.  No questions, no hassle, no fine print.  Incidentally, we are devoted to helping small businesses and working with satisfied customers so if you’re not going to profit from the system, we would prefer to buy it back.

Your Second Guarantee:  If you keep the package after the first two months, we will ride along with you for another 10 months and if, after a full year from purchase, you can show us proof that you have used at least one strategy or tool from The Power of Copy, and you can look us in the eye on paper and tell us that you didn’t get your money’s worth, we will still refund every penny you’ve paid.

That means you can try it for free.  It will either be free thanks to the immediate surge of qualified customers, clients, or patients that’ll come to your door or website or it will be free when you return it for a full refund.

Oh Yeah....Did I mention that even if you decide to return the Power of Copy Unleashed I'll let you keep my free bonus worth at least $199 as a way of saying thanks?  Could we be any more fair than that?

Just 1 or 2 New Customers, Clients or Patients
Will Pay For This Entire System...
But Why Stop There?

That’s the beauty of The Power of Copy.  If you use just one of these closing techniques or value builders in your next promotion, you could multiply your investment in The Power of Copy in no time.

Many times, it only takes a .5% - 1% boost in response to make or break a campaign.  And depending on the volume of traffic or the size of the mailing, just one tweak can turn a “barely break even” campaign into a profitable one.

Even if you just implemented 10% of what you’ll discover in The Power of Copy, you could still be way ahead of your competitors who are unaware of these persuasion secrets.   

But, since the program will take you only 90 minutes to consume, you’ll be able to take action on these secrets immediately—since you don’t have to worry about “information overload.”

Just open up the 44-page manual, follow the steps, and you’re good.  We’ve done most of the work for you.  Of course, this isn’t the only resource you’ll need on copywriting since writing great copy is something you’ll always want to perfect as a savvy business owner and marketer.

But this will give you a HUGE head start.  Think of this as the “Cliff’s Notes” version of how to write great copy that’ll allow you to sell your product/service better almost overnight—whether it’s tweaking existing ads or creating new promotions from scratch.  

Imagine Waking Up One Morning And Having A Mailbox Or Email Inbox Stuffed With Orders, Your Voicemail Full With People Wanting To Meet With You AND Your Store Packed With Your Ideal Customers!

That’s the power of copy and it’s something Dan Kennedy’s clients and most of the 7-figure earning GKIC Elite experience on a daily basis. 

So you can keep putting up with mediocre copy and be content with generating “so-so” results with your marketing…

…Or you can take action right now and discover the headline ideas, closing techniques, price framing, and offer tactics you’ve been missing out on in your past and current promotions. 

It’s up to you.  We’ve taken away all the risk with our Double Guarantee and made the investment low so that this will be an easy decision for you - So take action right now.

 Yes Dave! I Want To Harness The Power Of Copy And Discover How To Craft Offers My Target Audience Will Salivate For.

  • I know this can be implemented quickly and that this system will reveal the secrets most of my competitors will NEVER know when it comes to crafting killer offers. Plus I’ll love the feeling that I'm ever only a quick ad away from generating all the business I need!
  • I know that I could get my money back over and over again when I will get more sales with ease.   Just one good idea from this formula could pay this investment back over and over again—so there’s no downside here.
  • And I know I’m covered by your generous double guarantee, so there’s no way I can make a mistake.   I can implement all the persuasion secrets, closing tips and headline ideas to boost my chances of writing a winner.   And if I don’t get an immediate ROI then I don’t have to pay. If I don’t, I don’t pay.
  • Yes, I’m ready!  Please send me “The Power Of Copy” so I can immediately start crafting irresistible offers that’ll summon more customers, clients or patients to my website or brick-and-mortar business. 

“The Power Of Copy Unleashed”

Power Of Copy.jpg

ONLY Two Payments of $99

(PLUS Through Midnight Monday I'll Get Immediate Access To Your Online Sales Letter Template That Converted 13% Of Viewers Into Buyers So I Can Use This In My Business!)

Kick Butt and Make Mucho DEEnero!

Dave Signature.png

Dave Dee, GKIC

P.S. One more thing: this works even if you think you cannot write your way out of a paper bag.  Remember, you don’t have to be a world-class copywriter like Dan Kennedy, David Ogilvy, Gary Bencivenga, John Carlton, or Gary Halbert to write a killer promotion.  

If you implement everything in this short course, you’ll know 90% of what you need to know to start getting more customers, clients, or patients because most of your competition will NEVER know these secrets.

The only thing you can do is find out for yourself.  Take action right now and add The Power of Copy to your shopping cart.

P.S. #2  Imagine sending out an email and being flooded with orders.  And think about how it will feel to send out a direct mail campaign and have your website or brick and mortar business teeming with your ideal customers, clients, or patients. 

That’s the beauty of writing good copy.  You’ll be able to sell your product/service better and life will be better in general.  That’s why top-flight copywriters like Dan Kennedy enjoy massive incomes.  In fact, Dan was recently paid 2 million dollars for a single campaign!  That’s testament to the importance of copy, which is why you need to take action right now and harness The Power of Copy. 

P.S. #3   The Power of Copy isn’t just about writing sales letters.  The components of this course can easily be “moved over” to video scripts, emails, postcards, voice broadcasts, and even face-to-face selling situations.

You’ll discover what REALLY makes your prospects buy and then easily “cut and paste” these strategies into other sales pieces and promotions.  We guarantee you’ll get multiple “A-ha” moments when that big box containing The Power of Copy arrives at your doorstep.  So take action today. 

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